Friday, July 11, 2014

Are you Man or Mouse?

The knowledge you hold within yourself is connected to the very fabric of life because that is what you are, quite literally, made of. You have an innate understanding of the workings of  your body, the earth and the universe you inhabit.  All life on earth carry the same imprint or genetic makeup only 30% marking the biggest difference between some species, with as little as 2% between humans and chimps, and only 8% difference between us and mice. This tells me one important thing,  even the smallest difference in genetic sequencing can be a major difference in function and design. In humans the difference is technically infinitesimal with  only .1% offering individual cataloging of race, gender as well as ancestry and yet unlike chimps and mice we like to think of ourselves as individuals. Psychological testing has proven again and again over many years that we are as predictable as mice in pretty much any environment that we have been consistently required to respond to stimuli or an absence of stimuli,  we have proven so predictable that multinational corporations have made immense amounts of money exploiting these tendencies. This is not a political statement, it is one of awareness, it also shows it is not the result of upbringing if the same methods work across different nationalities as well as for those who  hold differing beliefs and values. It seems we have not outgrown the value/reward motivations that drive mice to allow themselves to be hurt to gain a nominal amount of cheese. The difference between us and mice is not that 8% it is our knowledge that the testing we undertake IS testing, it is not survival for us and yet we are still driven by the same motivation as the mouse as if our very lives depended on it.

The Hawthorn effect describes the changes in behaviour that are apparent when a person knows they are being studied, these studies were conducted in work situations where there is a perceived interest but just as important, perhaps more so, those being studies know their performance will be related back to their employer, As many of these types of studies do, they just ignore the obvious, that is the very real possibility of reward for good behaviours and a consequence for not doing your job, the pseudo intellectual arguing over the merits of any study where the subject knows they are being studied rarely seem to include the natural tendency to please the the observer or those who may have access to the information. University studies are so well versed in the antics of subjects to please or give 'correct' rather than true answers, that they devise some very interesting groups of questions and time limits on answering in an attempt to subvert our attempts to please them. What does all this mean really? It means we are so predictable in our responses that clever devices are needed to find the true you or the true result of any testing, it means that no matter how much you know about what is going on, there is a tendency to play things in a way that give you a reward by pleasing someone else, even when there is no actual reward in play. In other words, we just don't think. 

The very skill we are proud of, the one that we say makes us different from animals, the ability to adjust our thinking, analyze and problem solve beyond a survival instinct, seems to be dormant in the face of reward, any kind of reward, Spiritually speaking we are sold a reward in heaven and a damning in hell and like the mice taking electric shocks to achieve their reward becoming less and less intimidated by the pain, we are prepared to accept the pain to get what we see as the reward. there is not one area of life that this motivation doesn't affect, To move past this idea some spiritual idealists deny the need for any material reward and see this as evolved without ever considering the very act of voluntarily enslaving yourself to your belief is seeking the reward, this may be absolution, reincarnation or heaven, it doesn't really matter. What happens if you can move beyond reward, beyond 'I deserve'. More and more the teachings involve the word deserve, too often I hear spiritual counselors advising their listeners that they deserve all the good things in life, there is nothing to feel guilty about along with forgiveness of others and self. What a dis empowering teaching for surely that means anyone who does not have their hearts desire does NOT deserve it in some way, that someone who has guilt has no reason for it nor responsibility for their actions in the past or the present. Perhaps all we need to learn in the modern day is to think, to use what we have learned to be creative rather than exercising an ongoing principle of denial that is so prevalent with those seeking ascension, evolution and what they deserve.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Core Healing

When it comes to Self Healing getting help does not, and should not, mean giving your power over to someone else. Denial plays such a huge part in shifts of consciousness that even in the most obvious circumstances we often don't recognize our own behaviours, even when we recognize the tendency. When your life situations and relationships are clearly showing you that things are not right we can tell ourselves all sorts of stories including the bad luck one. The truth is vastly different thank goodness, without this truth we would be doomed to live the fantasy mind scenario in what could be an unhappy existence.

What is the fantasy mind scenario? It's the one where your mind repeats over and over, you just haven't met the right person yet, someone else is to blame (anyone will do), I'm a great person what's wrong with everyone else, I deserve the best because i suffered in the past. None of these statements are true, all your relationships and life situations are a culmination (karma) of your past actions, words, behaviours and responses. This doesn't mean you didn't experience childhood traumas, what it means is that you don't recognize how your behaviours have impacted every area of your life. Too often behaviours reflect poor teachings, a kids with substance abuser parents are often substance abusers themselves, they just don't use what their parents used and then tell themselves that what they are doing has no relation. For instance if your parents were smokers, you are more likely to become a smoker, but you are even MORE likely to become addicted to anything, gambling, alcohol, marijuana (yes i know stoners swear it is not addictive, the same stoners who can't stop smoking weed while the very word, stoner implies constant, ongoing and long term substance use). We hear of addictive personalities and while there is an element of truth in the idea, we are all very capable of stopping behaviours we decide we no longer want to engage in. ALL of us.

Over the years i have seen individuals dump life long habits happily and without drama simply because they didn't want it anymore. For all addicts of either substance or behaviour, there needs to be an element of wanting to continue life as they are, even if they aren't enjoying it, this is where denial comes in. I discovered quite recently a study completed by Dr McAdams and his team who call this phenomenon “end of history illusion,” in which people tend to “underestimate how much they will change in the future.” According to their research, which involved more than 19,000 people ages 18 to 68, the illusion persists from teenage years into retirement. “Middle-aged people — like me — often look back on our teenage selves with some mixture of amusement and chagrin,” said one of the authors, Daniel T. Gilbert, a psychologist at Harvard. “What we never seem to realize is that our future selves will look back and think the very same thing about us. At every age we think we’re having the last laugh, and at every age we’re wrong.”

After reading the study I realized that my own program 'Core Healing' deals with exactly that, while you can see your life will be different or that your health may change, you find it difficult to see how YOU  will be different and so it becomes obvious to seek difference or change catalysts outside yourself.  There is no doubt that if you make a single core change in yourself, everything in your life changes. Not over the next 24 hours, but certainly over the next say 12 months. If you can effect a number of required core changes you have the initiation of a life you could never have imagined living, because you become the centre of a change you are not even aware of happening until after it happens. Changes  in what you like, or don't like., what you expend time on, the type of people you are attracted to, motivation and goals. Quite literally everything can change for some and for others key areas that can turn bad relationships into good ones (yes that is always within your power) and the daily grind into a daily pleasure. Brad Pitt was struggling in his relationship with Angelina, he was sure for a while their relationship was over and then he decided, 'I don''t want this', he bought all of his attention to bear on HER, talking about her only, saying nice things about her and never giving himself centre stage even in friend circles, he saw her change, smiling more, caring about him more, he saw her open up and blossom. He not only saved his marriage, but he regenerated it through creating a state of change in a conscious and loving way. We do forget that this is how relationships usually start, total focus and attention on the OTHER person, we can be pretty sure that doing the opposite is what ends them.

How does Core Healing help? it offers you insight into your own beginnings, AHA moments come from an objective observation of self,  either by a healing practitioner of any sort (how many times do we ignore advice from Doctors, Psychologists and Spiritual advisers simply because we can't imagine that we can change our SELF) or by discovering information that resonates with a past we know. You don't have to imagine how you can be different in the future to speed up the process so you are not looking back in 10 years and regretting those same 10 years. I have created and am creating affordable hypnosis downloads to speed up desired change in a targeted conscious way, that is, you choose what you want to change. Most people do this based on life crisis, or historical issues. These hypnosis are a part of a larger group of programs designed to help you change quickly and easily into the person you want to be, the person you are inside the habits and early life training, the person that most reflects you, this is where we all find happiness, this is the advice of many spiritual counselors, be yourself. The problem is, most of us don't know how to do that and many don't even know WHO that is.  If you prefer a cognitive approach to life change these programs oblige with a combination of cognitive therapies and hypnotherapy, I personally believe and have seen in my own clients that change on a large scale  should take no longer than 12 months, after which you should be quite happily living your life at most with occasional forays into development as and when life situations require. I believe we should come past the point of needing healing and into the promised land of living life in the now. 

  Core Healing the meditation is free on youtube or you can download it to your device  from Google play  it is comprehensive so it will take a few times if you recognize a number of areas in your past, affecting your present.